Zheravna village
Information about the village and the area
Zheravna is an old village, which is located at the foot of the middle part of Eastern Stara Planina mountain. Many years ago there was a Thracian settlement in Jeravna. During the centuries the place was known for its trades, animal husbanary and crafts. Jeravna was an important commercial and cultural center by the time of Renaissance.
Nowadays Jeravna is the largest architectural reserve in Bulgaria, which is visited annually by numerous organized and individual tourists. The village has kept its renaissance spirit and unique look through the ages.
In the late August every year, it is organized a Traditional festival of the national costume. At this festival you can see what was the life of bulgarians more than hundred years ago. Jeravna gives you the unique opportunity to feel the spirit, serenity and the charm of the past.